Edward Norton, Liv Tyler
It looks like it's two-for-two for Marvel Studios... at least I think it is,

Marvel tries to bring in people who are fans of the comics... or at least they claim to be. In "Making the Movie: Iron Man", Jon Favreau and RDJ claims that they are fans of the Iron Man comics, and I've read somewhere that Edward Norton says the same of the Hulk. If that's true then it's good, because they already know what to do and what to expect, and as fans themselves, they'd know what other fans would want to see. In the Hulk 2003, I was looking forward to hearing Hulk say "Puny human!" or "Hulk is strongest!" or anything... but instead, he just grumbled, snarled and roared. At least in The Incredible Hulk I got a "Hulk... SMASH!"

One of the major concerns when the trailers for this movie came out were the CGIs. Having finally seen the final product I can say that it was a step up from its predecessor. The 2003 Hulk looked like Shrek on steroids whereas The Incredible Hulk had a more "human" feel to it and he wasn't towering over houses. Not to say that it was perfect, far from it actually, especially during the rain scene with Liv Tyler.
As for the action, there's plenty... although I had a hard time catching it all. I don't know if it was because we were sitting too close to the screen or the shaky camera job but I felt a minor case of vertigo

Anyhoo... it's getting late, obviously I'd recommend this movie to anyone who loves action or superhero movies. There's a good balance of Bruce Banner, Hulk and Betty Ross in the flick to keep the movie from being one-dimensional and watch out for cameos from Stan Lee, Lou Ferrigno (the guy who played Hulk in the 70's TV series) and RDJ. There's supposedly a Captain America cameo too but I didn't see him anywhere.