THE HOTTIE & THE NOTTIEParis Hilton, Joel Moore
I was well aware of what I was getting into when I bought the tickets to this movie.

I knew about Paris Hilton, the notorious 1.2 IMDb rating (it's up to 1.5 now) with over 14,000 votes, and the poor $54k it got on the box office. It wasn't planned or anything. We were supposed to watch
Wanted thinking that it was already out since it's Wednesday, which is usually when a new movie premieres here. Gi thought I checked to confirm and I thought she did,

and the rest is history.
I don't know what the bonehead director or producer was thinking when they cast Paris Hilton. I guess they thought they could ride Paris' (no pun intended) popularity. Probably they thought they could cash-in with her catch phrase "That's Hot" by incorporating it to the movie. Well, it backfired. I've never seen a movie so widely bashed that people were already branding it even before it was released. IMDb users were giving it a one out of ten without having seen it. Over 14,000 votes? That's more votes than some high profiled, big budgeted movies got.
Well... now that I've forked over my money and I've seen it, I think I'm entitled to a guilt-free bashing of this piece of shit.

Although it's not the worst movie I've seen in my life, and I've seen some really bad ones, it's right up there with the all-time do-not-pay-to-see-this list. I don't get why they had to make the "Nottie" so ugly. It just made her transformation more unbelievable. The lead guy's best friend annoyed the hell out of me. Surprisingly, Paris Hilton wasn't all that bad. Not saying she was good, but she had her moments. But the biggest flaw of this movie has got to be it's story. It's ridiculous, shallow and offensive... really? The hottest girl in town has got to have the ugliest best friend? Really???

I don't know who to recommend this to...

probably fans of Paris Hilton?