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Saturday, June 28, 2008
Just What I Wanted to See
James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman

After a misfire last Wednesday, I finally got to see Wanted, and it was everything I expected it to be. Some people are saying that it was too unrealistic and that it was more of a sci-fi fantasy rather than an action flick. Oh so sci-fi fantasies can't have action in it now? What's with these people too stuck-up with their genre categorization? Unrealistic it may be, it is based off a comic book after all, but if you've seen the trailer for this then you should probably know what to expect going in to the cinema. Curbing bullets, man jumping through glass off a building, car swooping you into the passenger seat that surely would've broken your legs in real life... seriously? You're expecting realism? If that got you peeved, I suggest that you stay very far away from this movie because they're a lot more of it in there. The weirdest has got to be the device they use to select their targets, I was like What the fuck??? Are you kidding me??? And then I laughed.

Wanted is like Max Payne meets Crank. Max Payne, because of the bullet time effects and Crank, because of the adrenaline thingy. It also reminds me of those old kung-fu movies where a kid trains to be a master, but in this case, he trained with guns, knives and a lot of freaking bullets.

I thought James McAvoy was a lot more charming out of character than in the movie. I saw some of his interviews and he was funny, I think it was mostly because of his accent, which of course he didn't use in the movie. Angelina Jolie is sexy as usual. All the guys in the cinema I was in let out a collective Whoooaaaa! when we first get to see Jolie in the movie, which is a lot funnier than it sounds.

The plot had a really nice twist that I wasn't expecting at all. NICE! I don't want to give away anything that would spoil the movie so I'll end this review by saying if you liked the trailer, then by all means go see it.

Posted by blackfir3 at 12:16 AM
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