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Friday, July 18, 2008
Customizing My Multiply... really a pain in the butt! I can't figure out most of the class tags they use. But it's coming along well so far. Check it out and add me please.
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Posted by blackfir3 at 7:04 AM
Friday, July 11, 2008
3D or Bust
Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson, Anita Briem

You've seen the trailers to this, right? Doesn't look like much, right? The CGI was really bad for a Brendan Fraser movie, right? Right! Which is why you have to see this in 3D. This movie is made with 3D in mind. It's not very good if not in 3D. It has got to be in 3D or not at all. I can't stop saying 3D. 3D! 3D! 3D! I hope I got my point across. Yes, I know it's going to be twice as expensive if you want to watch this in 3D but trust me when I say that you'd be wanting your money back if you see this in 2D because the only thing that this movie has going for it is the fact that it's in 3D. The story, the characters, the comedy... lame! Not very good at all, and it's a good thing that 80% (not an actual figure) of the movie is the journey and not about the journey. Did anyone get that? You will, when you get to see it... in 3D!

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Posted by blackfir3 at 7:33 PM
Better than I Expected
Amanda Seyfried, Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan

I'm not that big of a fan of musicals. The last musicals I've seen were Moulin Rouge and Chicago, I'd add Sweeney Todd to that list but I feel that it's on a league of its own. To be honest, I went to see Mamma Mia! with very little expectations. In fact, I had to be tricked to see this movie, which makes sense now as to why Gigi was really insistent that she's the one to buy the tickets because I was expecting to see Journey to the Center of the Earth, which we did see too, but that's for later.

If you've seen the trailer then you'd know what this movie will be about. A girl named Sophie, who's about to get married, invites her possible fathers, all three of them, and they all sing and dance. Yes, that's it. But Mamma Mia! isn't really about that. It's about ABBA's music telling a story and not the other way around, which is why there isn't much plot and character development at all. The story is there to keep this from being a concert, or an extremely long music video.

Amanda Seyfried was hot, but Meryl Streep stole the show. She really did seem to have had a lot of fun making this movie. Too bad I couldn't say the same about Pierce Brosnan. I've read somewhere that he wasn't that confident about his singing and dancing skills and I could understand why after seeing the film. No offense to the guy but he just looks angry and constipated when singing.

I was really quite surprised how I enjoyed this movie... even more surprised at how many ABBA songs I know.

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Posted by blackfir3 at 6:30 PM
Friday, July 04, 2008
Sign Me Up
Will Smith, Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman

It's the 4th of July, which means it's probably time for a Will Smith summer flick, although it's not so summery in these parts. This year, Big Willie gives us Hancock. He's bitter, an alcoholic, cocky, and has no respect for anyone... he's basically an asshole... but it just so happens he's an asshole who has super powers. That's usually the mix for a really bad super villain, but not this guy. He manages to save the day during his "spare" time, but creates a mess while at it, which makes him a very unpopular superhero to say the least. He then saves Jason Bateman's character, Ray, a very optimistic PR person and all-around nice guy. Ray then vows to change the public's image of Hancock.

An interesting premise. A superhero riddled with flaws and struggling to find his identity. He's unliked and hated by the very people he saves. Sounds like the X-Men, no? No, he's hated not because he's different, he's hated because of his attitude, because he doesn't take responsibilities for his actions and because he doesn't care as long as he saves the day.

The best part of the movie for me was probably the transition of Hancock from a remorseless SOB to a more public friendly... well... superhero. The chemistry between Bateman and Smith's characters is spot-on. Added to the mix is Charlize Theron, who plays Mary the wife of Ray. And the attraction of Hancock to Mary added more suspense and excitement in to the fray. And just as when things were starting to get a lot more interesting... Hollywood blows it again! I mean, I love unexpected plot twists... but not this one. And that's all I've got to say about that.

Couple this with an annoying couple sitting beside us... it just ruined the experience even more. "Oh my God! He threw the whale on to the sail boat!" Yes! He did! We can see that. It was right there on the huge-ass screen in front of us. It was also in the trailers that's playing outside the cinema. "Oh my God! He threw the kid in the air!" AAARRRGGGHHHH!!! Would you please shut the fuck up! The boyfriend was even more annoying. He's a talker and felt the need to explain everything to his dumbass girlfriend... EVEN IF HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HE WAS TALKING ABOUT! I tried to shush them a couple of times and the bitch just gave me attitude. Getting kicked-out of a cinema once before prevented me from acting out. This is why I like free-seating movies sometimes. So you could just switch seats, away from these kind of weirdos.

Anyways, Hancock, a good superhero movie that I felt could've been a lot more but went awry after the twist. It's got a lot of funny stuff in it, decent CGI work, decent amount of action, and a happy ending. If you've got the time, go see it... BUT DON'T BE A WEIRDO!

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Posted by blackfir3 at 6:08 PM
Mark Millar's Wanted
Now that I've read the comics, I'm quite disappointed on how the movie turned out. But I do understand why they changed it. If they had made the movie true to Millar's version, they would've had very little market for it. Goes to show that money always comes in to play first.

Anyway, I'm off to see Hancock now.
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Posted by blackfir3 at 1:41 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Just What I Wanted to See
James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman

After a misfire last Wednesday, I finally got to see Wanted, and it was everything I expected it to be. Some people are saying that it was too unrealistic and that it was more of a sci-fi fantasy rather than an action flick. Oh so sci-fi fantasies can't have action in it now? What's with these people too stuck-up with their genre categorization? Unrealistic it may be, it is based off a comic book after all, but if you've seen the trailer for this then you should probably know what to expect going in to the cinema. Curbing bullets, man jumping through glass off a building, car swooping you into the passenger seat that surely would've broken your legs in real life... seriously? You're expecting realism? If that got you peeved, I suggest that you stay very far away from this movie because they're a lot more of it in there. The weirdest has got to be the device they use to select their targets, I was like What the fuck??? Are you kidding me??? And then I laughed.

Wanted is like Max Payne meets Crank. Max Payne, because of the bullet time effects and Crank, because of the adrenaline thingy. It also reminds me of those old kung-fu movies where a kid trains to be a master, but in this case, he trained with guns, knives and a lot of freaking bullets.

I thought James McAvoy was a lot more charming out of character than in the movie. I saw some of his interviews and he was funny, I think it was mostly because of his accent, which of course he didn't use in the movie. Angelina Jolie is sexy as usual. All the guys in the cinema I was in let out a collective Whoooaaaa! when we first get to see Jolie in the movie, which is a lot funnier than it sounds.

The plot had a really nice twist that I wasn't expecting at all. NICE! I don't want to give away anything that would spoil the movie so I'll end this review by saying if you liked the trailer, then by all means go see it.

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Posted by blackfir3 at 12:16 AM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
That's Hot. Oh Wait, It's Really NOT!
Paris Hilton, Joel Moore

I was well aware of what I was getting into when I bought the tickets to this movie. I knew about Paris Hilton, the notorious 1.2 IMDb rating (it's up to 1.5 now) with over 14,000 votes, and the poor $54k it got on the box office. It wasn't planned or anything. We were supposed to watch Wanted thinking that it was already out since it's Wednesday, which is usually when a new movie premieres here. Gi thought I checked to confirm and I thought she did, and the rest is history.

I don't know what the bonehead director or producer was thinking when they cast Paris Hilton. I guess they thought they could ride Paris' (no pun intended) popularity. Probably they thought they could cash-in with her catch phrase "That's Hot" by incorporating it to the movie. Well, it backfired. I've never seen a movie so widely bashed that people were already branding it even before it was released. IMDb users were giving it a one out of ten without having seen it. Over 14,000 votes? That's more votes than some high profiled, big budgeted movies got.

Well... now that I've forked over my money and I've seen it, I think I'm entitled to a guilt-free bashing of this piece of shit. Although it's not the worst movie I've seen in my life, and I've seen some really bad ones, it's right up there with the all-time do-not-pay-to-see-this list. I don't get why they had to make the "Nottie" so ugly. It just made her transformation more unbelievable. The lead guy's best friend annoyed the hell out of me. Surprisingly, Paris Hilton wasn't all that bad. Not saying she was good, but she had her moments. But the biggest flaw of this movie has got to be it's story. It's ridiculous, shallow and offensive... really? The hottest girl in town has got to have the ugliest best friend? Really???

I don't know who to recommend this to... probably fans of Paris Hilton?

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Posted by blackfir3 at 9:49 PM